Send to: Dejal Userware, PO Box 33-1011, Takapuna, Auckland 1309, New Zealand. —— Registrations: (tick those appropriate) —— [ ] Register me for QuickEncrypt™: US$25. [ ] Register me for the Dejal Text Utilities™ package (TextSplitter, TextMerge & TextConverter): US$20. [ ] Register me for the Dejal File Utilities™ package: US$10. [ ] Register me for the Dejal Desktop Utilities™ package: US$15. [ ] Register me for the Dejal Sound Utilities™ bundle (includes registrations for all four of the following programs, plus a disk containing all Dejal Userware software and three (3) disks full of sounds): US$60. [ ] Register me for SndConverter Pro™: US$25. [ ] Register me for SndConverter Lite™: US$15. [ ] Register me for SndPlayer™: US$20. [ ] Register me for SndCataloguer™: US$15. —— Disks, AutoUpgrade subscription & Donation: —— [ ] Please send me a copy of the disk when the NEXT VERSION of the software after ______ is released: US$10. [ ] AutoUpgrade sub: a disk whenever a new version of the registered software is released (8 disks): US$60. [ ] I would like to donate US$_______ to help the author devote more time to writing useful Shareware. Total amount enclosed: US$_______ Please select a method of payment: [ ] Cash enclosed for the above sum (any major currency — not only US$). 5% discount available for cash! [ ] I’m enclosing a cheque for the above amount, made out to “Dejal Userware.” [ ] I’m enclosing an international money order. [ ] Please charge my VISA / MasterCard / Bankcard / Diners Club / American Express (circle one) Card number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expires: _ _ / _ _ Card holder name (block letters): ________________________ Card holder signature: ________________________________ Send Registration Licence Certificate and any disk(s) to: Name: (Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss/etc: ___) _________________________________ (As should appear on certificate) Company (if part of your mailing address): _____________________________________________ Street Address: __________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ Country or State & Zip: _______________ Phone Number: [_____] _____________________ Fax Number: [_____] _____________________ E-mailAddress(es): _______________________________________________________________ Where did you get this product: ______________________________________________________ Which model of Macintosh do you use: _______________________ What version of System software do you use: __________ Have you previously registered for any software from Dejal Userware? Yes / No If so, please quote your Registration Code, if possible: ___________________ Are you interested in Beta testing pre-release versions of my software? Yes / No Comments: